RT/A Spike Build
Rit 1+2
11+4 Spawning
12 Dagger
6 Shadow
Sprits Strength
Shadow Refuge
Golden Phoenix
Horns of the Ox
Falling Spider
Blades Of Steel
Sight Beyond Sight
Rez Sig
Aproximate Spike damage, lets say an average of 20 Damage a Dagger strike
6 Dagger Strikes=120 Damage
6 Trips of Elite= 186 Damage
Unconditional= 207 Damage
=513 Damage, And Poison
Rit 3
12+4 Channeling
11+1 Communing
5 Air
Guided Weapon
Warmongers Weapon
Weilders Strike
Soul Twisting
Spirit Boon Strike
Rez Sig
Standard Boon Prot/Blight, I wont bother with build
Pretty Simple Really, the Rt/E Casts Guided weapon on one Ritualist, and Warmongers Weapon on the other, he then Gales the Enemy Boon/Heal Monk
Rt 1&2 Attack damage Spell Casters First (Mesmer, Necro) , then they attack Mitigation Characters (such As Warder, Blindbot), each taking a different target at the same time as the Boon Is Galed, With the Boon on his Ass, Rt 3 Assists one of the Spikes with Weilders Strke
One Spike is Pretty Certain to go through, sometimes even both at once
Theres no mitigation, the idea is to hit the enemy hard and fast, when tested teams would lose two people to the spike while they laugh off the Rt/A using daggers, and now they are at 2/4, with one rez sig (warmonging weapon ftw) , they soon get pasted
Its pretty front heavy, but stopiing the spike is nyon impossbile, it goes through wards, distortion, and blind, and keeps the monk on his ass for 3 seconds of the spike, forcing him to choose one target to save at best, and if you feel really ballsy, swap out Rit 1&2's Rez sig for Deaths Charge, they dont see it coming
Last edited by Tainek; Sep 25, 2006 at 11:36 PM // 23:36..